Monday, March 27, 2017

Year 5 Cloud Writing

While the year sixes were at water wise the year fives did some cloud writing with the other kids. Have a look at the wonderful work they managed to come up with!

Kaihono's Skydiving Story

Kaihono and the rest of Room 17 have been learning how to write about a moment in time. Here is Kaihono's exciting piece of writing.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

NZ Writes Postcards

We have been lucky enough to have taken part in a New Zealand wide writing activity, whereby children have written a metaphor about themselves onto a postcard which will be sent this Friday to another school in New Zealand!  The school we have been paired with is situated in Nelson, so we hope the children there enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed writing them!  We look forward to receiving theirs!

Jean-Ryan's Cat Poem

For homework last week Jean-Ryan wrote an acrostic poem about cats.

Ollie's Terrific Skydive

In Room 17, we were trying to create a picture in the reader's mind.  This is Ollie's writing, describing a moment in time.

Ollie's Writing

Quincy's Acrostic Poem

Quincy wrote a fantastic acrostic poem for his homework last week.  He created a vivid image in the reader's mind - we felt as if we were eating it!  Well done Quincy!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Oliva's Firework Writing

Olivia has been working on her firework writing using onomatopoeia to create a image in the reader's mind.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Room 17 Metaphor Poem

The Year 5s spent their writing lesson today walking around the school grounds, recording the sights and sounds they could hear.  This was to get their brains into figurative mode!  They then came back to the classroom and wrote a Room 17 metaphor poem.

The Old Bridge

Olivia used different language features to describe this image of a rickety bridge.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Secret Lake

Jane has been focussing on using the language feature of personification.  Take a look at how well she has achieved this in her paragraph about the secret lake.

Piano Exams

Emily has recently completed a piece of work about her Piano exam - she has captured her thoughts and feelings in a descriptive recount.  Please enjoy.

Setting Sail

Zoe has been doing a piece of writing about setting sail on the sea and telling the story of what happened out there.  Please leave her some positive feedback.

Nightmare at Sea

Leonie has done a piece of writing recently called nightmare at sea.  She has worked hard to use a range of language features to capture your attention.  Please read and leave her feedback!

Dirt Bikes

Here is a piece of Jackson's writing from this term.  He used a picture to help him get ideas for writing.  His learning was focussed on describing a picture so that the reader can imagine it in their mind.